Let’s talk about Advent! Robert and I didn’t grow up practicing Advent or any of the liturgical seasons for that matter. However, over the last few years we have been learning about them and trying to implement some of them into our lives.

What is Advent? It is a season of the liturgical year where there is expectation and preparation of both the birth of Christ and His return.

When is Advent? It always begins the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, this year that’s November 27, 2022.

How can you take part? Well, that’s what this post is about. We want to give you some resources and suggestions that may help you choose what to use in your practice of Advent.

First of all, there is an endless number of things to choose from. We are just going to cover a few of the things we have tried and have found super helpful to us as newbies and lovers of art.

Tsh Oxenreider’s book Shadow & Light: A Journey into Advent. This book has a great overview of Advent and many of the other feasts associated with the season. The book also includes a short reading, a question to journal about, a song to listen to, and an artwork to contemplate for each day. You can do as many or as few of the items you desire, but having the options brings some nice layers to the experience.

We recently invited Corella Roberts back to our podcast to talk about her experience with Advent. Corella has written a couple of Advent guides and they are free on her website.  Her guides offer 5 devotions of a guided scripture meditation, breath prayers, and reflection for each week of Advent. If you are interested in hearing the whole Advent conversation, you can listen to the on your favorite podcast app or right here on our website. It is episode 43.

Of course, Advent doesn’t have to be all serious and introspective. The goal is to be intentional in what you do and remember why we celebrate this time of year.

Here are some places to find additional ideas for the whole family:

Fun and Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Advent with Kids

Fun Things to Do During Advent

Family Advent Activities – Christmas Countdown Fun/

O, and don’t forget the candles

Really, special candles are not needed. We have used plain white candles for the last couple of years, but it you want the advent colors… shop early, they run out quick.

If you’ve never practiced Advent or you haven’t in a long time, we encourage you to give it a try this year. We have found it helps us not to speed through this season at the frantic pace it often has, but to embrace it with calm and intention. Preparing us to begin a new year with a heart full of hope and expectation.


*no affiliated links… just a point in the right direction.
image credit: Laura Nyhuis